Genestra Pancreatin 60vcaps

Genestra Pancreatin 60vcaps

Regular price$46.00

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Pancreatin is a digestive aid formula that helps to decrease bloating after high-caloric, high-fat meals. It provides a combination of pancreatic enzymes, including lipase, amylase and protease, which break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins, respectively.1 Chymotrypsin and trypsin are also present in pancreatic secretions and further contribute to protein digestion.1 Adequate activity of pancreatic enzymes is critical for proper nutrient digestion and absorption, including the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.2,3 Pancreatin contains enzymes that act like those normally secreted by the pancreas, aiding digestion of nutrients. Supplementation with pancreatic enzymes has also been shown to significantly reduce the common postprandial complaints associated with caloric, high-fat meals, including bloating, gas and fullness.4 As pancreatic enzymes are sensitive to low pH, Pancreatin is specifically formulated with delayed-release capsules that resist stomach acid for targeted delivery to the duodenum and allowing optimal enzyme activity.

1. Whitcomb, DC, Lowe, ME. Dig Dis Sci. 2007; 52(1): 1-17.
2. Roxas, M. Altern Med Rev. 2008; 13(4): 307-14.
3. Hackert, T, Schütte, K, Malfertheiner, P. Viszeralmedizin. 2014; 30(3): 190-7.
4. Suarez, F, Levitt, MD, Adshead, J, Barkin, JS. Dig Dis Sci. 1999; 44(7): 1317-21.

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